Consulting Services

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Consulting Service Mold Inspection
Mold Inspection Experts in BC

Consulting Services

Valuable advice and recommendations on a variety of topics.

In some cases, clients do not need a mold inspection or testing, yet they have specific questions about water damage mold or indoor air quality. In the case, Mold Insight provides consulting services for both local (onsite) and distant (virtual) clients:

Feel Free To Contact Us

Are you simply looking for answers to questions regarding water damage and mold?

Mold Insight Pricing Plans

Choose The Right Plan For Your Needs!



Onsite Consulting Service

$450 - $1000+ (Onsite)
  • Visual assessment of property, areas of concern
  • Identifying mold and water damage issues
  • Causes of moisture, water damage
  • Mold removal, prevention and better IAQ (indoor air quality)
  • DIY (do it yourself) mold removal recommendationss
  • Verbal summary recommendations

*Tax: 5% GST applied to all services



Virtual Consulting

$50 per ½ hour
  • Interpretation of (IAQ) mold lab reports
  • Email requests (questions, answers and photos)
  • Q & A calls - Mold, water damage, advice
  • Recommendations for mold removal, prevention IAQ (indoor air quality)
  • DIY (do it yourself) mold removal recommendationss
  • Resources & recommendations

*Tax: 5% GST applied to all services